Autopsy: “To see for one’s self” The primary purpose of an autopsy is to put to rest any questions a family may have regarding the determination of the cause and manner of death, and to evaluate the extent of any and all disease or injury that may be present.
A Private Autopsy, is an autopsy requested and consented by the family or next-of-kin and is performed independent of a Hospital, Medical Examiner, or Coroner.
Common reasons for requesting an Autopsy:
- Cause of Death or Second Opinion COD
- Many questions remain after death
- Questions remain in regards to quality of care
- To evaluate effectiveness of therapeutic or surgical procedures
- Ascertain whether clinical diagnoses were correct Primary Cancer diagnosis
- Death occurred while at Hospital
- Death occurred while over seas
- Death occurred very suddenly
- Narcotics are suspected in death
- Pharmaceuticals are suspected in death
- Alcohol is suspected in death
- Gain potentially critical information for the family about possible inherited or genetic conditions
- Removal of hardware like a pacemaker for analysis

Who performs the Autopsy?
Our Doctors Understand
Every autopsy is performed by a licensed, insured, and Board Certified Pathologist that we personally interview, screen, and background check to ensure every family is not taken advantage of and gets the best service available. Our Doctors understand the situation you face and are available for testimony, experts witness, depositions, or simply to speak to a family member that has questions regarding the autopsy report.
Every autopsy is performed by a licensed, insured, and Board Certified Pathologist that we personally interview, screen, and background check to ensure every family is not taken advantage of and gets the best service available. Our Doctors understand the situation you face and are available for testimony, experts witness, depositions, or simply to speak to a family member that has questions regarding the autopsy report.
Our Autopsy Technicians aim to please
An Autopsy is highly technical procedure that not only involves years of experience and skill but is also quite laborious and physically demanding at times. An Autopsy Technician or Diener, assists the Pathologist with all aspects of the procedure from photography, dissection, and toxicology as well as maintaining a clean and sanitary work place at all times.
An Autopsy is highly technical procedure that not only involves years of experience and skill but is also quite laborious and physically demanding at times. An Autopsy Technician or Diener, assists the Pathologist with all aspects of the procedure from photography, dissection, and toxicology as well as maintaining a clean and sanitary work place at all times.