We are here to serve, Call us anytime         1-800-288-6779 info@1800autopsy.com


When an unforeseen loss occurs in our lives, loved ones are called upon to make critical decisions in a sound and meaningful way. There will most certainly be many important questions, all of which we will be able to answer for you in a timely and accommodating manner.

We understand the situation you are facing and our specialists will assess each and every concern and guide you to the most appropriate postmortem procedure. We are the longest running private autopsy company in the nation- a reputation built from our commitment to dignity, integrity, and respect for all those who request our help.

Simply put, we are here to serve. Feel free to call us anytime.

Common Questions & Concerns:

Why request an autopsy?
Medical experts consider autopsies the ultimate quality assurance tool in understanding the exact cause and circumstances of a death. The primary purpose of an autopsy is to put to rest any questions a family may have regarding the cause, nature of illness, and reassurances that the appropriate health care was provided. If the attending physician and local medical examiners both refuse to perform an autopsy, but the family still has questions regarding the death then contacting our independent services would be the next best step.
Who can legally request an Autopsy?
An Autopsy can only be requested by the legal next-of-kin or legally designated responsible party.
Who performs the Autopsy?
Every autopsy involves a licensed and board certified Pathologist, along with a specially trained Autopsy Technician who assists the Pathologist in all aspects of the procedure.
Why are there transportation fees?
Legally we cannot perform autopsies at most hospitals. Additionally many Funeral Homes do not have the proper facilities needed to perform a full and complete Autopsy. For this reason, complimentary refrigeration and morgue facilities are included in all our rates. Transportation to-and-from the mortuary and/or hospital is not included and charged based on round trip mileage. We try to work with all our families and clients to curb costs.
Where is the Autopsy performed?
All of our procedures are performed in-house. We are proud to offer our clients our privately owned and operated morgue facility and refrigeration accommodations. This ensures all procedures are performed in a private, secured, sanitary, and safe setting for our staff and patients. Our private facilities, along with our around the clock availability, allows for flexible scheduling, so that funeral service remains the most important event.
Other companies only send out a ‘technician’ and not a Pathologist. Does a Pathologist need to be present during the Autopsy? And what if I plan to litigate?
This is one shortcut that should never be taken when choosing how to proceed with an autopsy. The word ‘Autopsy’ translated in Latin means ‘To see for one’s self’. One of the most crucial steps during an Autopsy is the external examination- what the doctor see’s in front of them. In addition any and all findings during the procedure could potentially be lost or overlooked if the Doctor was not present during the Autopsy. In the even of litigation, a Doctor would need to be present at every aspect of the procedure in order for findings and testimony to hold up in court.
Does the Autopsy affect Funeral arrangements?
We work with the family, funeral home, and/or hospital so that scheduling favors the funeral service and will not interfere with funeral appearance or preparations.
How long does Autopsy procedure take? How soon can we get results? What is included fees?
The procedure takes anywhere from 1-3 hours. Preliminary findings are usually available within 24hrs and will be delivered over the phone or email. A complete and detailed Autopsy Report will be available in approximately 6-10 weeks. Some cases are more complex and will require more time. Every Autopsy includes photography and microscopic slide summary, a detailed and comprehensive autopsy report, 1 month refrigeration storage of toxicology specimens, and two years of complimentary storage in our archives.
How long do you keep Autopsy records?
Paraffin blocks, Pathology Report, and Microscopic slides are archived for two years. Special requests made by attorney’s office will be accommodated at no extra charge.